
This web page introduces a (recently discovered) inexplicable HARMONY in The Cosmos – a very precise synchronization of the movements of Solar System bodies WITH EARTH’S ROTATION (!!!) The laws of Newtonian Physics cannot explain why this happens. Let me show you how this works:-

Solar System bodies can be classified into “GROUPS” – For example:- The Four Giant Planets, or The Four Inner Solar System Planets, or The Two Inferior Planets, or The Four LARGE (“Galilean”) Jupiter Satellites – etc.

It is an amazing (and totally inexplicable) fact that, in all, some SIXTY of these “GROUPS” are aligned (as GROUPS!) WITH EARTH’S ROTATION (!!!)

In order to show how this works, we take a circle and divide it into EIGHT equal segments. The lines that separate each segment are THE “OCTANTS”. (See the image below)

Image file name:- octants no angles 052 (2)

This division into EIGHT segments is not arbitrary. This “Rule of Eighths” operates throughout the whole of nature – in the structure of The Atom (The Octets Rule), in the musical scale, as ratios between planetary orbital velocities, and even in the realms of structural anatomy. (To verify this, scroll down to the bottom of this page, and click on the various links.)

Example:- The Four Giant Planets. The SUM of their rotation periods = 2.24713 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 2 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 91.2 degrees, which is very close to The 90 Degree Octant. (Note:- The OCTANTS are all multiples of a half right angle – ie:- multiples of 45 degrees – ie:- 0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees, 180 degrees, 225 degrees, 270 degrees, 315 degrees, and 360 degrees.) This “Rule of Eights” or OCTANTS RULE” operates (in respect of Earth’s rotation) for some SIXTY Solar System GROUPS – far too many to be dismissed as “chance occurrence”.

Let’s now consider the first seven GROUPS, showing how The SUM of their PERIODS is, in each case, aligned with Earth’s rotation.

(A). The Four Giant Planets. The SUM of their rotation periods = 2.24713 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 2 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 91.2 degrees.

(B). The Twenty LARGE Satellites of The Solar System. The SUM of their orbital periods = 227.0038441 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 227 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 225.1 degrees.

(C). The Two Ice Giants (Uranus and Neptune). The SUM of the rotation periods of The LARGE Bodies of the Two Ice Giants = 37.51358 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 37 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 221.9 degrees. 

 (D). The TWO Gas Giants (Jupiter and Saturn). The SUM of the rotation periods of The LARGE Bodies of the Two Gas Giants = 136.7519 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 137 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 45.5 degrees. 

(E). Jupiter’s Four LARGE (“Galilean”) Satellites. The SUM of their orbital periods = 29.16389 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 29 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 87.7 degrees. 

(F). The Naked Eye Visible Planets. The SUM of their rotation periods = 304.54568 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 305 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 136.6 degrees. 

(G). The PROGRADE (rotation) Planets. The SUM of their rotation periods = 62.1982 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 62 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 132.7 degrees. 

Now we will display these seven angles in an image. Each angle is depicted as A SINGLE LINE RADIUS. (I emphasize this because angles are usually depicted as TWO lines that join together at a point which defines the angle.)

Image name:- gps rot sum 048 (2)

You can see that these angles all “hug” The OCTANTS. What most people fail to “get” is how extraordinary – how “impossible” this is! It is “impossible” for the Laws of Physics” to add together a series of orbital or rotation periods and then somehow “finesse” or alter them so as to force them into alignment with Earth’s rotation in this manner. Some kind of Intelligent Input is necessarily required!

Below is an image showing how you would reasonably EXPECT these angles to look.

Image name:- groups earth rot random 053 (2)

You can see the difference between pattern and order in the two above figures.

Now we will consider seven more GROUPS of Solar System bodies.

(A). Uranus and its Four LARGE Satellites. The SUM of their rotation periods = 29.551998 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 29 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 227.8 degrees. 

(B). The Four Inner Solar System FAST Rotating Bodies. The SUM of their rotation periods = 3.60458 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 3 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 221.2 degrees. 

(C). The Sun and The Four Inner Solar System Planets. The SUM of their rotation periods = 328.3504 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 329 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 89.8 degrees. 

(D). The Seven Inner Solar System revolving Bodies. The SUM of their rotation periods = 332.5911 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 333 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 180.6 degrees. 

(E). Sun and Moon. The SUM of their rotation periods = 51.983911 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 52 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 45.4 degrees. 

(F). The Two Inferior Planets (Mercury and Venus). The SUM of their rotation periods = 301.6649 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 302 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 176.7 degrees. 

(G). The Three Inner Solar System Satellites. The SUM of their “days” = 6.9748 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 6 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 357.8 degrees. 

Now we will display these seven angles in an image. Each angle is depicted as A SINGLE LINE RADIUS.

Image name:- uranus large sats rot sum 049 (2)

You can see that these angles all “hug” The OCTANTS. Once again, this is absolutely extraordinary and “impossible”! It is “impossible” for the Laws of Physics” to add together a series of orbital or rotation periods and then somehow “finesse” or alter them so as to force them into alignment with Earth’s rotation.

Now we will consider seven more GROUPS of Solar System bodies.

(A). The Four LARGE DISCORDANT Satellites. The SUM of their orbital periods = 113.94217 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 114 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 91.5 degrees. 

(B). The Primary Satellites of The Two Ice Giants (Uranus and Neptune). The SUM of their orbital periods = 14.582714 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 14 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 224.2 degrees. 

(C). The INNERMOST Satellites of The Two Gas Giants. The SUM of their orbital periods = 0.86983 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates a “residual angle” of 314.0 degrees. 

(D). The SUM of The Adjacent Orbit Pass Periods of Jupiter’s Four “Inner” Satellites = 27.913765 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 28 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 356.5 degrees. 

(E). The SUM of The Pass Periods of Jupiter’s Eight “Regular” Satellites = 52.103159 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 52 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 88.5 degrees. 

(F). The SUM of the orbital periods of The LARGE Satellites of The Naked Eye Visible Planets = 184.49262 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 184 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 359.2 degrees. 

(G). The SUM of the orbital periods of The LARGE Satellites of The Three Telescopic Planets = 42.511224 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 42 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 225.9 degrees. 

Now we will display these seven angles in an image. Each angle is depicted as A SINGLE LINE RADIUS.


Image name:- dissonant sats sum 050 (2)

You can see that these angles all “hug” The OCTANTS. Once again, this is absolutely extraordinary and “impossible”! It is “impossible” for the Laws of Physics” to add together a series of orbital or rotation periods and then somehow “finesse” or alter them so as to force them into alignment with Earth’s rotation.

Now we will consider seven more GROUPS of Solar System bodies.

(A). The Two Ice Giants. The SUM of the orbital periods of their INNERMOST Satellites = 0.62943 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates a “residual angle” of 227.2 degrees. 

(B). The Naked Eye Visible Planets. The SUM of their Solar Days = 295.5746 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 296 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 138.2 degrees. 

(C). The Four FAST Rotating Inner Solar System Bodies. The SUM of Their Pass Periods = 780.3649 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 782 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 180.5 degrees. 

(D). The Two Inferior Planets. The SUM of their Solar Days = 292.6895 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 293 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 176.7 degrees. 

 (E). Mars and its Two Satellites. The SUM of their rotation periods = 2.607308 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 2 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 221.2 degrees. 

(F). Earth and Moon. The SUM of their synodic rotation periods = 30.53059 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 30 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 221.1 degrees. 

(G). Earth and Moon. The SUM of their synodic revolution periods = 394.7869 Earth days. During this precise time period, Earth rotates 395 complete rotations plus a further angle (a “residual angle”) of 312.4 degrees. 


Now we will display these seven angles in an image. Each angle is depicted as A SINGLE LINE RADIUS.


Image name:- ice giants innermost sum 051 (2)

You can see that these angles all “hug” The OCTANTS. Once again, this is absolutely extraordinary and “impossible”! It is “impossible” for the Laws of Physics” to add together a series of orbital or rotation periods and then somehow “finesse” or alter them so as to force them into alignment with Earth’s rotation.

To see how The Rule Of Eighths applies to the diatonic (major) scale in music, click on the following link:-


To see how The Rule of Eighths (or “Octets Rule”, or “Law of Octaves”) applies to The Atom, click on the following link:-


To see how The Rule of Eighths applies to The Human Body, click on the following link:-


To see how the ratios between planetary orbital velocities are frequently close-to-perfect multiples of ONE EIGHTH (as originally discovered by Kepler), click on the following link:-


To see how groups of planets and satellites are frequently composed of EIGHT members, click on the following link:-
